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“You don’t have to explain yourself to others in the group...they understand how you feel.”


& grieving

We are here to help.

Suicide is the leading cause of death for Australians between the ages of 15 and 44. If you have lost someone to suicide you are not alone, we are here to help.

Contact us to find a support group in Hobart.

Contact us to find a support group in North West Tasmania 

Contact us
to find a support group in Launceston

Our bereavement groups are run in partnership with Lifeline Tasmania.

Help us help more people in Tasmania.


We help the community by offering trust in an open safe space to talk on a monthly basis. With this trust comes guidance, with sessions run by both people with lived experience as well as clinical psychologists to offer professional guidance when necessary.

Helping the community for the last 6 years

Honouring Albert

Albie House exists to ensure that every Tasmanian that is experiencing grief, loss or distress due to suicide will feel supported and not lost and alone in their grief. This was Amanda Cuthbertson’s experience when her son Albert took his life at just 16. It doesn’t need to be your experience.

We want to build
a safe non-clinical house

Those at risk of taking their lives and those left in the wake of suicide often feel lost and alone. They can be across all ages and lines of work, including teachers, emergency departments and students. We aspire to build an inviting, safe, non-clinical house in Hobart to turn to and connect with others who understand, available 24/7.

"The support group gave me valued skills in coping with everyday life and facing difficult situations and enabled me to look forward and to learn to love and find joy in life again."

 - Gabrielle

Why we need to talk about suicide prevention in Tasmania


 - Tasmania has one of the highest rates of suicide in Australia relative to our small population.


- 9 Australians die by suicide every day.

- Evidence tells us that supporting people who have lost someone through suicide helps prevent future suicides.

ABS 29 September 2021

Our goals

Our goals


Short term, we want to grow the support available to those grieving after losing someone to suicide and open more support groups in more areas around Tasmania. We want to spread the word about our offering and become well known in the community so Tasmanians know there is a place to turn to or refer others in need.


Long term, our goal has always been to create a physical house located in Hobart that offers 24/7 non-clinical support to those at risk of taking their life and guidance to the services they require as an individual. This includes transportation to appointments while they reside at Albie House. 


News and updates

May 2024


Amanda Cuthbertson from the Lifeline Tasmania Suicide Bereavement Group and Albie House was honoured to be a delegate at the Suicide Prevention Australia Conference. Conferences like this are essential and help spread awareness of suicide prevention nationwide. Read more about the conference here.



To enquire about suicide prevention group in Hobart, North West Tasmania or Launceston please contact us on: 


0491 445 552 


Media enquiries:


Amanda Cuthbertson 

Founder and Director




Immediate support


StandBy is focused on supporting anyone bereaved or impacted by suicide at any stage in their life. StandBy is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Contact StandBy on:


1300 727 247





If life is in danger call 000


Call Lifeline on 13 11 14 for 24/7 crisis support


Having a tough time? Talk to the team at a Tasmanian Lifeline 8am-8pm


1800 98 44 34





Lifeline Tasmania is proud to partner with Albie House.

Albie House is a registered ACNC charity. Donations $2 and over are tax deductible in Australia. The deductible gift recipient ABN is 51 531 107 177.

Albie House pays its respects to the traditional custodians across the lands in which we work, and acknowledge their elders past, present, and future. 

© Albie House 2022 

Website by Make Mate

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